组 别:每两人一组
期 限:即日起至8月15日
试 卷:请至阅览中心索取
奖 品:丰富、另类
书 籍: 1. 但以理读书法
2. 校园性事
3. 风尚男人
4. 真爱的力量
5. 感谢拒绝你的人
6. 小故事大道理
7. 再苦也要笑一笑
8. 爱:学校没教的课
9. 100条名词佳句
10. 100句爸妈不该说的话
(一) 本中心采会员制,所有会员须付年费RM10。
(二) 本中心只可饮用瓶装白开水;若需饮食其他食物,请至饮食区。
(三) 本中心严禁吸烟及大声喧哗、追逐嬉戏、睡眠等,并请将行动电话设定为静音,以免影响自学品质。
(四) 使用本中心提供之电脑、印表机、影印机前,请向服务台登记(请携带会员证)。若需影印或复印任何资料,需向服务台索取白纸,每影印一页A4资料收费RM0.20。
(五) 使用电脑者时限为30分钟,唯没有其他使用者登记使用情况下,原使用者可继使用。
(六) 阅读区不得占用座位阅读。
(七) 本中心提供之电脑仅供学术资源之用,不得连结电脑游戏、线上聊天,赌博性质、色情等网站,并严禁下载任何软体。
(八) 中心提供之各项设备请依操作方法正确使用,如遇异常,请立即向服务台管理人员反应。
(九) 所有机器设备未经管理人员许可,不得擅自移动,并请妥善使用。
(十) 使用完毕后,请务必将设备恢复原状,电脑登出,将纸屑垃圾携出,并于服务台完成归还手续,方可离开。
(十一) 贵重物品或私有书籍、书包及手提袋,应自行保管,如果遗失本中心不负赔偿之责任。
(十二) 笔记型电脑使用者可使用本中心电源以方便作业,但其他私人电器用品应自行携带电池,并且不得在本中心进行私人手机充电。
(十三) 書報雜誌僅供本中心会员自學及閱覽之用,請勿任意撕剪、破壞及攜出本中心,閱覽完畢請歸還架上(書櫃)。
(十四) 本办法经公布后实施,如有未尽事宜,本中心得随时修订之。
1. The centre is open for members only. The annual membership fee will be RM10.
2. Only mineral water in sealed containers may be consumed in the libraries. No food is permitted. All food must be eaten in the kitchen provided.
3. Smoking, chatting, joking, napping, etc. are strictly prohibited. Please keep your mobile phone in silent mode at all the time.
4. The centre is providing the facilities of computer, printer and photocopy. Please bring along your membership card and register at the service counter. Only papers from the service counter are permitted for any photocopy or printing. Each A4 size printing or photocopy will be charged RM0.20.
5. Unless there is no other user, the time usage of computer is only permitted for 30 minutes.
6. No reservation seats in the study corner.
7. The purpose of computer is only for academic usage. No games, live chating, gambling, pornography and others related website. Download are strictly prohibited.
8. Please refer to the instruction of usage all the time. Shall it have any problems, please refer to the personnel at the service counter immediately.
9. No allowance for moving the facilities within the centre without prior centre’s personnel permission. Please use every facility gently.
11. All valuable items, books, bags and handbags must be under your own care. The centre will not bear any responsibility for the loss and damages of any personal property within the centre.
13. Newspapers and magazines are provided for members for reading purpose only. Please do not tear off, damage or take it away from centre. Please put back to its original place after usage.
14. The centre reserves the right to amend any of the above rules & regulations.
星期一至星期五 | 6.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. |
星期六 | 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. |
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